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Custom-Built Bee Hives
Are you a beekeeper? Check out our custom-built hives!
Find something you love? Check out our shop.
What do clients say about our custom hives? They love them!
"I love the hives... It was so wonderful finding you because I was able to customize to what I wanted and you were smart enough to talk me out of the wrong ideas. They exceeded my expectations."
Marilyn, custom hive owner
Cedar Langstroth hive with custom roof - $500.00

Cedar Langstroth 1
This is a close up view of the cedar Langstroth hive with two medium supers and custom roof.

Langstroth Hive - Cedar
Alternate view of hive

Langstroth Hive - Cedar - 3
Alternate view of hive

Langstroth Hive - Cedar - 4
Alternate view of hive

Langstroth Hive - Cedar - 5
This is a version with only the brood box and no supers

Langstroth Hive - Cedar - 6
Alternate view of hive

Langstroth Hive - Cedar - 7
Another view of version with only brood box

Langstroth Hive - Cedar - 8
Alternate view of hive - no sun

Langstroth Hive - Cedar - 9
Brood chamber only version on back patio
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